
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Beatrice Arduini, “Boccaccio and His Desk.” The Cambridge Companion to Boccaccio. Eds. Guyda Armstrong, Rhiannon Daniels, and Stephen Milner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 1-17. Publications, Book Chapters
“Boccaccio and His Desk.” The Cambridge Companion to Boccaccio. Eds. Guyda Armstrong, Rhiannon Daniels, and Stephen Milner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 1-17. Publications, Articles
Gaylard, Susan. "De mulieribus claris and the Disappearance of Women from Illustrated Print Biographies." I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance 18.2 (2015), 287-318. Publications, Articles
“Boccaccio and His Desk.” The Cambridge Companion to Boccaccio. G. Armstrong, R. Daniels, and S. Milner Eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 1-17. Publications, Articles
Smith, Maya Angela. Who is a Legitimate French Speaker?: The Senegalese in Paris and the Crossing of Linguistic and Social Borders. (2015). French Cultural Studies 26(3), 317–329. Publications, Articles
"A Psychogeography of the Monstrous in Le Premier Homme" in A Writer's Topography: Space and Place in the Life and Works of Albert Camus, eds. Jason Herbeck and Vincent Grégoire (Leiden: Brill/Rodopi, 2015): 117-134. Publications, Articles
French Thinking About Animals, edited by Louisa Mackenzie and Stephanie Posthumus. Michigan State University Press, 2015. Publications, Books
"Coming Home to Masculinity: Homosocial Norms in Michel de Montaigne's Journal de Voyage." Accepted for publication in Montaigne Studies, special volume on masculinity, edited by Lawrence Kritzman.  Publications
Amelia Rosselli (trans. Deborah Woodard, Roberta Antognini, Giuseppe Leporace), Hospital Series, New Directions, April 2015.  Publications, Translations
Eds. Louisa Mackenzie and  Stephanie Posthumus. French Thinking About Animals. Michigan State University (2015). Publications, Books
Un buon affare - Italian for Business, R. Pullins Co., Newburyport, MA, 2014.  Publications, Books
Musica per l'abisso. La via di Terezin. Un'indagine storica ed estetica 1933-1945, Mimesis, Milano 2014.  Publications, Books
Translation of The Maximalist Novel: From Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow to Roberto Bolaño's 2666, by Stefano Ercolino. London: Bloomsbury, June 2014.  Publications, Translations
Review of Colonizer or Colonized: The Hidden Stories of Early Modern French Culture by Sara E. Melzer. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012. Forthcoming in MLQ, September 2014.  Publications
“Guillaume Rondelet’s Sea-Monsters and Bruno Latour’s Modern Constitution.” In Animals and Early Modern Identity, ed. Pia Cuneo (Burlington: Ashgate, 2014): 329-349. Publications
"The Fish and the Whale: Animal Symbiosis and Early Modern Posthumanism." Accepted for publication in The Sixteenth Century Journal. Publications
Contre-Jour. Cahier Littéraire, no. 32, Hiver 2014. "La Galerie des Absents." (poetry) Publications
Review of Elizabeth Eisenstein's Divine Art, Infernal Machine: The Reception of Printing in the West from First Impressions to the Sense of an Ending. Journal of Modern History 85, 4 (December 2013): 917-920. Publications, Reviews
La Santa Sede e le leggi razziali in Italia e in Europa, in: Giuseppe Speciale (ed.), Le leggi antiebraiche nell'ordinamento italiano. Razza diritto esperienze, Patron, Bologna, 2013.  Publications
"Vanishing Women: Gendering History in Sixteenth-Century Portrait-Books." Gender, Agency, and Violence: European Perspectives from Early Modern Times to the Present Day. Ed. Ulrike Zitzlsperger (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2013), 1-22.  Publications
Louisa Mackenzie and Stephanie Posthumus (McGill), "Reading Latour Outside: A Response to the Estok-Robisch Controversy." Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 20,4 (2013): 1-21. Publications, Articles
Geoffrey Turnovsky, "Authorial Poverty and Transformations in Readership, 1750-1850. The Case of Nicholas Gilbert," Romanic Review 103, 3-4 (November 2012 [appeared in December 2013]): 439-464. Joanna Stalnaker and NIcholas Cronk, eds.  Publications, Articles
Susan Gaylard. Hollow Men: Writing, Objects, and Public Image in Renaissance Italy. New York: Fordham University Press, 2013. Publications, Books
Denyse Delcourt. "Swords and Flowers: Conversion in 'La Chanson de Roland' and 'Floire et Blanchefleur.'" Article included in the volume of MLN in Memory of Eugene Vance (January 2013). Publications, Articles
Review article. Ducci, Lucia a cura di. L' Unità debole: Letttere dell' Ambasciatore americano George P. March sull' Italia unita. Annali d' Italianistica, 2012.  Publications