
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Smith, Maya Angela. Ne me quitte pas. Duke University Press, 2025. Publications, Books
“Multilignualism.” The Oxford Handbook of the French Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 521-545, 2024. Publications, Book Chapters
“Centering Race and Multilingualism in French Linguistics.” Decolonizing Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 139-56, 2024. Publications, Book Chapters
Bridges, Alvenia, and Maya Angela Smith. Reclaiming Venus: The Many Lives of Alvenia Bridges. Rising Action Press, 2024. Publications, Books
Hannah Frydman, Review of Undesirable: Passionate Mobility and Women’s Defiance of French Colonial Policing, 1919–1952 by Jennifer Anne Boittin, H-France Review 23, no. 124 (July 2023). Publications, Reviews
Hannah Frydman, “‘Confidences épistolaires de la Vénus publique’: Real-time Communication, Voyeuristic Reading, and Social Media’s Erotic Pre-History in the Petite Correspondance.” Nineteenth-Century French Studies vol. 52, nos. 1–2 (Fall–Winter 2023–24): 89-106. Publications, Articles
Beatrice Arduini and Jelena Todorović. "Dante, dalla giovinezza all’esilio: la Vita Nova e il Convivio, i loro disegni ideologici, materiali e culturali.” Atti del Convegno Dante e il prosimetro: dalla “Vita nova” al “Convivio.” Eds. Anna Maria Cabrini and Paolo Borsa. Quaderni di Gargnano 5 (2021). Milan: Milano University Press, 2023. Publications, Book Chapters
“Creating a More Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive French Foreign Language Classroom” in ADFL Bulletin, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 12-26, 2022. Publications, Articles
“Navigating Gendered, Racialized, and Migrant Identities: Senegalese Women Artists’ Reflections on Learning Italian in Rome.” Interculturality in Institutions. Springer, pp. 87-115, 2022. Publications, Book Chapters
Smith, Maya Angela. “The Senegalese diaspora in Rome: Romanesco and other nonstandard varieties in the face of standard language ideologies.” Italo-Romance Dialects in the Linguistic Repertoires of Immigrants in Italy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 169-96, 2022. Publications, Book Chapters
Revisiting Places: Can We Still Be Early Modern? Keynote Address, Early Modern French Conference of the Society for Early Modern French Studies, 5–7 July 2022, St Andrews. In Early Modern French Studies 2022: 1-16. Online. Print forthcoming. Publications, Articles
Markina, Irina. "For the Record: Voice and Orality in Guillaume Apollinaire’s 'Lettre-Océan.'" Modernism/modernity, vol. 7, cycle 2, 2022. Publications, Articles
Smith, Maya Angela. "Inclusive pedagogies in Italian studies: Using sociolinguistic data to decolonise the curriculum." Italian Studies in Southern Africa, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 204-225, 2022. Publications, Articles
Défi francophone 2, Klett World Languages (2022) Publications, Books
"Exploring the Challenge of the "Digital Revolution" in a New Minor in Textual Studies and Digital Humanities at the University of Washington," EuropeNow 47 (April 2022) Publications, Public Scholarship
Benaglia, Cecilia and Smith, Maya. 2022. “Multilingual Texts and Contexts: Inclusive Pedagogies in the French Foreign Language Classroom” in Diversity and Decolonization in French Studies. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 17-32. Publications, Book Chapters
Hannah Frydman, “Reading Incognito: Periodicals, Sapphic Fictions, and Lesbian Communication," Dix-Neuf: Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes 26, no. 1 (2022): 35-55, Publications, Articles
Devenir non-binaire en français contemporain. Edited by Louisa Mackenzie and Vinay Swamy‧ Paris: Le Manuscrit,  c. 2022, series "Genre(s) et création".  Under contract. Publications, Books
Geoffrey Turnovsky, "Reading Exercises. French Literature in the Classroom," Romanic Review 112, 2 (Sept 2021): 213-234. Publications, Articles
Hannah Frydman, Review of The Fallen Veil: A Literary and Cultural History of the Photographic Nude in Nineteenth-Century France by Raisa Adah Rexer, Nineteenth-Century French Studies 50 no. 1–2 (2021). Publications, Reviews
Hannah Frydman, “Freedom’s Sex Problem: Classified Advertising, Law, and the Politics of Reading in Third Republic France.” French Historical Studies 44, no. 4 (October 2021): 675-709 (Winner, Malcolm Bowie Prize and Charles R. Bailey Prize). Publications, Articles
"Treasures of the Lilly Library: The Poole 26 Historia Griseldis." In Petrarch and His Legacies, Eds. Ernesto Livorni and Jelena Todorović. Tempe, AR: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021. 71-84. Publications, Articles, Book Chapters
Beatrice Arduini and Jelena Todorović. "Biscioni's Dante." Textual Cultures 14.2 (2021). 85-96. Publications, Articles
Défi francophone 1, Klett World Languages (2021) Publications, Books
“La masculinité itinérante du Journal de voyage de Montaigne.” In Théories critiques et littérature française de la Renaissance. Mélanges offerts à Lawrence D. Kritzman, eds. David LaGuardia et Todd Reeser. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2021: 155-175. Publications, Articles