
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
"Vanishing Women: Gendering History in Sixteenth-Century Portrait-Books." Gender, Agency, and Violence: European Perspectives from Early Modern Times to the Present Day. Ed. Ulrike Zitzlsperger (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2013), 1-22.  Publications
Louisa Mackenzie and Stephanie Posthumus (McGill), "Reading Latour Outside: A Response to the Estok-Robisch Controversy." Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 20,4 (2013): 1-21. Publications, Articles
Geoffrey Turnovsky, "Authorial Poverty and Transformations in Readership, 1750-1850. The Case of Nicholas Gilbert," Romanic Review 103, 3-4 (November 2012 [appeared in December 2013]): 439-464. Joanna Stalnaker and NIcholas Cronk, eds.  Publications, Articles
Susan Gaylard. Hollow Men: Writing, Objects, and Public Image in Renaissance Italy. New York: Fordham University Press, 2013. Publications, Books
Denyse Delcourt. "Swords and Flowers: Conversion in 'La Chanson de Roland' and 'Floire et Blanchefleur.'" Article included in the volume of MLN in Memory of Eugene Vance (January 2013). Publications, Articles
Review article. Ducci, Lucia a cura di. L' Unità debole: Letttere dell' Ambasciatore americano George P. March sull' Italia unita. Annali d' Italianistica, 2012.  Publications
Review of What Else is Pastoral? Renaissance Literature and the Environment by Ken Hiltner. (Cornell: Cornell University Press, 2011). Environmental History 17 (2012): 445-47.  Publications
Arthuriana, vol. 22, number 1, Spring 2012. Review of Christine Ferlampin-Acher, Perceforest et Zéphir: Propositions autour d'un récit bourguignon.  Publications
Louisa Mackenzie. "It's a Queer Thing: Early Modern French Ecocriticism." French Literature Series 39. Rodopi, 2012. Publications, Articles
Richard Watts. "Poisoned Animal, Polluted Form: Chamoiseau’s Birds at the Limits of Allegory." Pacific Coast Philology (2012): 177-193. Publications, Articles
“Sans figure aucune: La métaphore de la soif dans les Vers nouveaux de Rimbaud,” Parade sauvage, N° 22, December 2011. Publications
Marco De Gemmis, "Three verses,"  "My dear, time." Atlanta Review, Spring/Summer 2011: 42. Publications, Translations
Review of L'Invention lyrique : Visages d'auteur, figures du poète et voix lyrique chez Ronsard by Benedikte Anderson. (Paris: Champion, 2011). Renaissance Quarterly 64 (2011): 1241-43.  Publications
Geoffrey Turnovsky. "Authorial Modesty and its Readers: Mondanité and Modernity in 17th-Century France." Modern Language Quarterly 72.4 ( 2011): 461-492. Publications, Articles
Louisa Mackenzie. The Poetry of Place: Lyric, Landscape, and Ideology in Renaissance France. University of Toronto Press: 2011. Publications, Books
Geoffrey Turnovsky, review of Robert Darnton, The Devil in the Holy Water, or the Art of Slander from Louis XIV to NapoleonH-France Forum. vol. 5, Issue 5 (Fall 2010). Publications
EF Film Study Buongiorno notte - Goodnight, night. New York: Edizioni Farinelli, 2010. Publications, Books
"Svolte oniriche nel cinema d'autore dei primi anni sessanta. I casi di Pier Paolo Pasolini e Federico Fellini." In De Roma a Santiago: Caminos de la historia, legado cultural. Eds. María Montes Lopez and Jesús Varela Zapata.  Lugo: Axac, 2010. 119-127.   Publications, Articles
"Lessons of the Qotidian: The Poetry of Marco De Gemmis." Italian Poetry Review, Vo. 5, 2010. 43-46.   Publications, Articles
Geoffrey Turnovsky. The Literary Market: Authorship and Modernity in the Old Regime. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010. Publications, Books
Poetry: the Art of Surprising. An Interview with Poet Laureate of America Mark Strand, along with A Translation of Selected Poems by M. Strand, Columbia University Poetry Review, NY 2009 Publications, Books, Translations
“Overwriting Time with Space: Memory and Forgetting in Chateaubriand’s René,” French Forum, Vol. 34, N° 3, Fall 2009, pp. 1-20. Publications
EF Film Study Ricordati di me - Remember me, my love. New York: Edizioni Farinelli, 2009.  Publications, Books
Geoffrey Turnovsky. "The making of a name: a life of Voltaire." The Cambridge Companion to Voltaire, ed. Nicholas Cronk. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009. 17-30. Publications, Articles
Claudio Mazzola, Romana Capek-Habeković. A vicenda: Lingua, Cultura. McGraw Hill: 2009. Publications, Books