French & Italian Studies Newsletter - Autumn 2018

Christelle Silué, a senior double major in French Studies and Public Health is putting her time and education to good use this summer. Originally from Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire or the Ivory Coast, Christelle went back home this summer and decided to take advantage of the opportunity to do research for an independent study course and to do some local advocacy work. Christelle moved to Everett six years ago and realized “she didn’t want to lose touch with French” so she decided to continue studying… Read more
French and Italian Studies graduates and their families gathered with staff and faculty in the Simpson Center on June 8th to celebrate the culmination of their time at the UW. Around 70 people mingled, chatted and enjoyed refreshments for an hour before Chair Geoff Turnovsky took a few minutes to speak about the graduates and recognize some of their outstanding achievements. He commended the students' hard work and wished everyone the best in their post-graduation… Read more
Italian major Allison Dumitriu Carcoana has won the Grand Prize ($1,000) Library Research Award for Undergraduates in the Non-senior category. Allision's winning paper "Dal Principe di Machiavelli a Trump: Somiglianze in Politica Basate sulla Natura Umana" was written for an independent study course with Associate Professor of Italian Studies Beatrice Arduini. Allison is President of the Italian Club and is also a pre-med student. Congratulations Allison!
Graduating French and Mathematics major Chenyibo Zhu was recently named the Humanities Division Dean's Medalist and a gonfaloniere. French & Italian Studies nominated Chenyibo and the College of Arts and Sciences awards the Dean’s Medal to the top graduating senior in each of the four divisions. Each year the UW’s schools and colleges select accomplished students to lead their degree candidates into Husky Stadium during the Commencement procession. These students are called… Read more
Graduating French majors April Si Lo and Tiana Quimin Neuerberg have recently been accepted to the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF). The TAPIF allows American citizens and permanent residents to teach English in public schools across all regions of metropolitan France and in the overseas departments of France. April, a French and Psychology double major from Fife, WA will be teaching at the… Read more
 Lia Koklic, a sophomore pursuing a double degree in French (B.A) and Biology (B.S.) and in the interdisciplinary honors program recently participated in the UW + Amazon Mentors Program. Lia, who is from Woodiniville, WA  says the program was "was a wonderful opportunity to gain an inside look into future job opportunities and career pathways." In the UW + Amazon Mentors… Read more
Associate Professor of French Studies Louisa Mackenzie will speak at a public symposium at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY on Saturday, April 7th. The symposium, "Legitimatizing iel" will focus on language and the trans community in Francophone and Anglophone spaces. Professor Mackenzie will give a talk on how to include non-binary gender identities within bi-gendered langauge classrooms. To learn more about this symposium and see the flyer, please… Read more
Peadar Kavanagh, a French Studies and English Language and Literature graduate (class of 2016) recently accepted an offer from the University of Chicago to begin a PhD in French and Francophone Studies with English Language and Literature as a secondary discipline. Peadar, a Seattle native, credits the 1998 FIFA World Cup held in France and the comic books series of Tintin and Asterix as what originally attracted him to French… Read more
Assistant Professor of French Studies Maya Smith recently wrote an article, "Why Black Panther is Destined for Commercial Sucess" for the popular culture website The article was featured "In The News" section of the UW Today daily update.  Maya was also interviewed along with writer Carvel Wallace by… Read more
Kelsey Jackson, (class of 2013) a French and Psychology double major recently completed her Master of Science (MSc) in Psychology Research Methods at the University of Kent in Canterbury, England and acheived distinction for her original research project. Kelsey, a native of La Jolla, CA says that her "time in the French department at UW was, without a doubt, pivotal to my ability" to design and create the research project for her MSc. After graduating from UW… Read more

Closing Statement
