Graduating French Majors Accepted to the TAPIF!

Submitted by Michael Rich on
Tiana Qiumin Neuerberg
April Si Lo

Graduating French majors April Si Lo and Tiana Quimin Neuerberg have recently been accepted to the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF). The TAPIF allows American citizens and permanent residents to teach English in public schools across all regions of metropolitan France and in the overseas departments of France.

April, a French and Psychology double major from Fife, WA will be teaching at the Académie de Nantes at the secondary school level, Collège ou Lycée, for the 2018-2019 academic school year. April decided to apply to the TAPIF because she “wanted to work with kids, break language barriers, and travel abroad!” April says the TAPIF was the “perfect opportunity” to do all that and “also gain some work experience collaborating with other educators to create curriculums and implement teaching methods.

April is “infinitely grateful” for her French professors’ guidance and support in all her endeavors. She would particularly like to thank Professor Rich Watts for telling her about the TAPIF and encouraging her to apply. April looks forward to mastering the “French language and culture by fully immersing herself by living and teaching in Nantes.”  After the TAPIF, she “would like to continue to help others” and plans to apply to the Schwarzman Scholars. She also plans to apply to the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a Supervisory Special Agent. 

Tiana, a French and Chinese double major from Puyallup, WA will be placed in the Académie d’Orléans-Tours at the primary level for the 2018-2019 academic school year. Tiana decided to apply to the TAPIF because as a French tutor she “enjoyed helping others in their language-learning journey and would like to explore teaching as a career.” She saw the chance “to return and live in France for 7 months as the perfect opportunity.” Tiana credits her French professors for helping her achieve her goal of teaching in France with the TAPIF. In particular she would like to recognize Professor Rich Watts for his teaching and “genuine interest” in her future aspirations, which helped throughout the application process.

Tiana ultimately wants to work towards proficiency in French, Chinese, and Japanese to pursue her aspiration to be a multilingual translator. She also has a high level of interest in international education and hopes to incorporate her passion for learning languages into this field. 

Congratulations to April and Tiana!

