Fields of Interest
Beatrice Arduini earned a doctorate from the University of Milan in Italy and a Ph.D. from Indiana University-Bloomington. Prof. Arduini centers her work on Medieval Italian literature, Dante Studies, manuscript culture, and textual studies. Her book, Dante's Convivio: The Creation of a Cultural Icon (Franco Cesati, 2020) examines the tradition of Dante's unfinished treatise in manuscripts and early printed editions. Prof. Arduini's projects include the analysis of Giovanni Boccaccio's activity as copyist and editor of Dante's works, in particular the Rime. She has published on these and other topics in Mediaevalia, Heliotropia, Romance Philology, Textual Cultures, Medioevo Letterario d'Italia, Dante Studies and Medioevo e Rinascimento. Prof. Arduini’s work brings attention to how the material transformation of medieval texts entails changes in the meaning and cultural significance of those texts through the different stages of the publication process. Recently, she co-edited the book Interpretation and Visual Poetics in Early Modern Texts. Essays in Honor of H. Wayne Storey (Brill, 2021), and contributed with the chapter "Dolente me: son morto ed ag[g]io vita! The sonnet corona of “disaventura” by Monte Andrea da Firenze."