News Archive

Image Title Published
cherry tree
French & Italian Studies Spring Newsletter
Ashley Beeman UW Dean's Medalist
French Major Ashley Beeman Named Dean's Medalist of the Humanities Division
cherry trees UW
French & Italian Studies Faculty Update
cherry tree
Support French & Italian Studies on April 4th, Husky Giving Day!
French Books and paper
FIS Holds Dictée at French Fest 2019
Giulia Szanyi
French Major Giulia Szanyi Following her Passion for French and Journalism 
St. Peter's Basilica
Study Abroad in Rome Winter 2020!
Campo Di Fiori
 Apply Now for the UW Rome Center Internship!
Kenneth Barger
French Alumnus Taking Language to Court
Lake Leman
6th Annual French & Italian Studies Photo Contest Results!
Sophie Labelle_ Louisa Mackenzie
UW Welcomes Québec Artist Sophie Labelle 
Houses of Burano
 French & Italian Studies Spring & Summer Courses!
Books set in Paris
 Vacation, J’adore: 5 Transportive Reads
Louvre Pyramid
New Section of FRENCH 103 Added!
Allison Dumitriu Carcoana
Pre-Med, Italian Style
Christelle Silue
French Major Christelle Silué Travels to Ivory Coast to do Research and Advocacy Work
French & Italian Studies Graduation 2018
Congratulations 2018 Graduates!
Allison Dumitriu Carcoana Beatrice Arduini
Italian Major Allison Dumitriu Carcoana Wins Library Research Award
Chenyibo Zhu
Graduating French Major Chenyibo Zhu Named Dean's Medalist & Gonfaloniere 
Tiana Neuerberg
Graduating French Majors Accepted to the TAPIF!
Lia Koklic
French Major Lia Koklic on the UW + Amazon Mentors Program
Sunset in Rome
New Rome Study Abroad Program Deadline Extended to October 10th!
Eiffel Tower at night
Register Now for French & Italian Summer Courses!
Legitimizing iel symposium Vassar College
Associate Professor Louisa Mackenzie to Participate in Public Symposium "Legitimatizing iel" at Vassar College
Tintin in America
French Alumni Peadar Kavanagh to Start PhD Program at the University of Chicago