Louisa Mackenzie, with Vinay Swamy of Vassar College, has just completed a special volume of H-France's online "Salon". The title is "Legitimizing 'Iel'?: Language and Trans Communities in Francophone and Anglophone Spaces", and the volume--for which Mackenzie also contributed a single-authored essay and co-authored the introduction and glossary--is a multi-authored collection of articles on transgender representation in French. The essays focus in particular on the question of how to represent non-binary identities (for example the English singular "they") in a bi-gendered language. H-France is the largest Anglophone scholarly organization for French and Francophone Studies, with over 4,000 members, and has a long tradition of open-access public scholarship. Mackenzie and Swamy's volume has a pedagogical and contemporary focus, and is accessible to all online. One of the contributors is a recent UW Ph.D, Logan O'Laughlin from GWSS, with whom Mackenzie had the pleasure of working. It also features art work by Quebec trans artist Sophie Labelle, whose visit to the UW in 2018 was co-sponsored by French and Italian Studies.