
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Hannah Frydman, “Reading Incognito: Periodicals, Sapphic Fictions, and Lesbian Communication," Dix-Neuf: Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes 26, no. 1 (2022): 35-55, Publications, Articles
Devenir non-binaire en français contemporain. Edited by Louisa Mackenzie and Vinay Swamy‧ Paris: Le Manuscrit,  c. 2022, series "Genre(s) et création".  Under contract. Publications, Books
“Legitimizing ‘iel’? Language and Trans Communities in Francophone and Anglophone Spaces”. H-France Salon, vol. 11, issue 14. Publications, Public Scholarship
Whittingham, Luke. “Gordijiguène and Colonialities : Importing Homophobia and Violence against Queers in Senegal.” 2018. Publications, Translations, Graduate, Masters Theses
Louisa Mackenzie. "It's a Queer Thing: Early Modern French Ecocriticism." French Literature Series 39. Rodopi, 2012. Publications, Articles
Hannah Frydman, "In Defense of the Search Bar," The American Historical Review, Forthcoming. Publications, Articles
Hannah Frydman, Between the Sheets: Classified Advertising, Sexuality, and the Moral Threat to Press Freedom in France (under contract with Cornell University Press). Publications, Books
Hannah Frydman, “From the Front to the Back Page: Queer Reading in Theory and Practice.” In Queer Print Cultures: Resistance, Subversion, and Community. Edited by Vance Byrd and Javier Samper Vendrell. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, forthcoming. Publications, Book Chapters