
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Revisiting Places: Can We Still Be Early Modern? Keynote Address, Early Modern French Conference of the Society for Early Modern French Studies, 5–7 July 2022, St Andrews. In Early Modern French Studies 2022: 1-16. Online. Print forthcoming. Publications, Articles
Beatrice Arduini, Isabella Magni, Jelena Todorović, eds. Interpretation and Visual Poetics in Early Modern Texts. Essays in Honor of H. Wayne Storey. Leiden, Boston: Brill Publishers, 2021.    Publications, Books
Beatrice Arduini, "Invective and Emotional Tones in Dante's Convivio." In 'Dante Satiro': Satire in the Middle Ages and in Dante's Works. Eds. Fabian Alfie and Nicolino Applauso. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2020. 117-131. Publications, Book Chapters
Beatrice Arduini, "La politica linguistica del Convivio di Dante." Medioevo Letterario d'Italia 6 (2019). 45-58. Publications, Articles
Beatrice Arduini, "Messer Torello's Magic Carpet Ride as Synecdoche for Decameron 10.9." Heliotropia 16-17 (2019-20). 189-204. Publications, Articles
Beatrice Arduini, "Rassegna critica degli anni boccacciani 2016-2018 (gennaio 2016-giugno 2018)." Archivio Novellistico Italiano 3 (2019). 156-183. Publications, Articles
Beatrice Arduini, "Antonio Manetti: gli studi e la passione per Dante." In Dante visualizzato. Carte ridenti III: 1450-1500. Eds. Rossend Arqués Corominas, Marcello Ciccuto, Sabrina Ferrara. Florence: F. Cesati, 2019. 101-114. Publications, Book Chapters
Beatrice Arduini, "Dante's Convivio Between Manuscript and Print." The Pre-Modern Book in a Global Context: Materiality and Visuality. Ed. Marilynn R. Desmond, Mediaevalia 41 (2020). 163-188. Publications, Articles
"The tale of Nathan and Mithridanes (Dec. X. 3)." Lectura Boccaccii, Day 10. Ed. Michael Papio. University of Toronto Press. Publications, Articles
Geoffrey Turnovsky, "Les lecteurs du Mercure Galant. Trois aperçus," XVIIe Siècle 270 (Jan-Mars 2016): 65-80. Publications, Articles
Gaylard, Susan. "De mulieribus claris and the Disappearance of Women from Illustrated Print Biographies." I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance 18.2 (2015), 287-318. Publications, Articles
"A Psychogeography of the Monstrous in Le Premier Homme" in A Writer's Topography: Space and Place in the Life and Works of Albert Camus, eds. Jason Herbeck and Vincent Grégoire (Leiden: Brill/Rodopi, 2015): 117-134. Publications, Articles
Susan Gaylard. Hollow Men: Writing, Objects, and Public Image in Renaissance Italy. New York: Fordham University Press, 2013. Publications, Books