
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Hedwige Meyer, S.L. Difusion. Rond Point: Une perspective actionnelle. Prentice Hall: 2007. Publications, Books
“Entre le moi et le monde: La question des frontières dans Le Horla de Guy de Maupassant,” Les Cahiers  naturalistes, N° 80, 2006, pp. 53-68. Publications
“Etranges figures, figures étrangères: Renée dans La Curée d’Emile Zola,” Poétique, N° 147, September 2006, pp. 259-275. Publications
“L’Entre-moi: Le Horla de Maupassant, ou un monde sans frontières,” Littérature, N° 139, September 2005, pp. 44-61. Publications
Hannah Frydman, "In Defense of the Search Bar," The American Historical Review, Forthcoming. Publications, Articles
Hannah Frydman, Au NON des femmes: Libérer nos classiques du regard masculin by Jennifer Tamas, H-France Forum 19, no. 1 (2024). Publications, Reviews
Hannah Frydman, Between the Sheets: Classified Advertising, Sexuality, and the Moral Threat to Press Freedom in France (under contract with Cornell University Press). Publications, Books
Hannah Frydman, “From the Front to the Back Page: Queer Reading in Theory and Practice.” In Queer Print Cultures: Resistance, Subversion, and Community. Edited by Vance Byrd and Javier Samper Vendrell. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, forthcoming. Publications, Book Chapters
Denyse Delcourt. "Fiction, table, théâtre: Le repas des sorcières dans 'Amadas et Ydoine.'" Etudes Françaises 49.1 (Winter 2013). Publications, Articles
Geoffrey Turnovsky. "The Enlightenment Literary Market: Rousseau, Authorship, and the Book Trade." Eighteenth‑Century Studies 36:3 (Spring 2003): 387-410. Publications, Articles