
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Poetry: the Art of Surprising. An Interview with Poet Laureate of America Mark Strand, along with A Translation of Selected Poems by M. Strand, Columbia University Poetry Review, NY 2009 Publications, Books, Translations
Défi francophone 1, Klett World Languages (2021) Publications, Books
Défi francophone 2, Klett World Languages (2022) Publications, Books
Devenir non-binaire en français contemporain. Edited by Louisa Mackenzie and Vinay Swamy‧ Paris: Le Manuscrit,  c. 2022, series "Genre(s) et création".  Under contract. Publications, Books
EF Film Study Buongiorno notte - Goodnight, night. New York: Edizioni Farinelli, 2010. Publications, Books
EF Film Study Ricordati di me - Remember me, my love. New York: Edizioni Farinelli, 2009.  Publications, Books
Musica per l'abisso. La via di Terezin. Un'indagine storica ed estetica 1933-1945, Mimesis, Milano 2014.  Publications, Books
Un buon affare - Italian for Business, R. Pullins Co., Newburyport, MA, 2014.  Publications, Books
Beatrice Arduini, Dante's Convivio: The Creation of a Cultural Icon, Florence: F. Cesati Press, 2020. Publications, Books
Beatrice Arduini, Isabella Magni, Jelena Todorović, eds. Interpretation and Visual Poetics in Early Modern Texts. Essays in Honor of H. Wayne Storey. Leiden, Boston: Brill Publishers, 2021.    Publications, Books
Bridges, Alvenia, and Maya Angela Smith. Reclaiming Venus: The Many Lives of Alvenia Bridges. Rising Action Press, 2024. Publications, Books
Claudio Mazzola, Romana Capek-Habeković. A vicenda: Lingua, Cultura. McGraw Hill: 2009. Publications, Books
Eds. Louisa Mackenzie and  Stephanie Posthumus. French Thinking About Animals. Michigan State University (2015). Publications, Books
French Thinking About Animals, edited by Louisa Mackenzie and Stephanie Posthumus. Michigan State University Press, 2015. Publications, Books
Geoffrey Turnovsky. The Literary Market: Authorship and Modernity in the Old Regime. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010. Publications, Books
Hannah Frydman, Between the Sheets: Classified Advertising, Sexuality, and the Moral Threat to Press Freedom in France (under contract with Cornell University Press). Publications, Books
Hedwige Meyer, S.L. Difusion. Rond Point: Une perspective actionnelle. Prentice Hall: 2007. Publications, Books
Louisa Mackenzie. The Poetry of Place: Lyric, Landscape, and Ideology in Renaissance France. University of Toronto Press: 2011. Publications, Books
Richard Watts. Packaging Post/Coloniality: The Manufacture of Literary Identity in the Francophone World. Lexington Books: 2005. Publications, Books
Ruggero Taradel, Barbara Raggi, and Riccardo Di Segni. La segregazione amichevole: la "Civiltà cattolica" e la questione ebraica, 1850-1945. Editore Riuniti: 2000. 265 pp. Publications, Books
Ruggero Taradel. The Blood Libel: A Political History of an Anti-Semitic Myth (L'Accusa del Sangue. Storia Politica Di Un Mito Antisemita). Editori Riuniti, 2002. Publications, Books
Smith, Maya Angela. Ne Me Quitte Pas: A Song’s Travels across Languages, Geographies, Genres, and Generations. Duke University Press (under contract) Publications, Books
Smith, Maya Angela. Senegal Abroad: Linguistic borders, racial formations, and diasporic imaginaries. University of Wisconsin Press, 2019.  Publications, Books
Susan Gaylard. Hollow Men: Writing, Objects, and Public Image in Renaissance Italy. New York: Fordham University Press, 2013. Publications, Books