Geospatial Tools


ARCGIS software accessible to UW users include a web-based and desktop GIS application for exploring geographical data and map creation. The StoryMaps tool, previously known as ESRI StoryMaps, is an exhibit/storytelling platform that can leverage maps and GIS data to illustrate all sorts of content.

Pros: UW users have access to ARCGIS tools with netID login; StoryMaps tool is easy to use with templates and media modules.

Cons: Premium ARCGIS services such as storage and analysis tools use “AGOL credits.” UW assigns users 10 credits; certain activities working with very large datasets may require requesting more credits.


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Google My Maps

Mapping tool using Google Maps. Can save location tags, associated text and images, add lines and measurements.

Pros: Accessible via UW netid Google accounts; supports multiple contributors for group/collaborative projects; can import data in certain formats.


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StoryMaps JS

Similar tool to ARCGIS StoryMaps. Interactive mapping tool that integrates text and multimedia for map-based storytelling.

Pros: Free, open-source, web-based software. Further customizable with the use of additional tools.

Cons: Requires a Google account for full functionality, though there are some workarounds (see the UW Libraries workshop for more information).


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