UW Libraries Dante Research Guide: Guide to UW Libraries books, journals, databases, encyclopedias, web resources and more. Managed by French & Italian Studies Librarian Deb Raftus.
Canto per Canto: Conversations with Dante in Our Time: Podcast series by NYU's Department of Italian Studies & Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimo and the Dante Society of America discussing each canto of the Divine Comedy.
Dante Lab: Digital workspace reader from Dartmouth College for scholarly analysis of the Divine Comedy, including translations, commentaries, search and filter functions.
Dante's Library: A digital exhibit on Dante's material world, including texts, art, and places he would have interacted with. From Duke University.
Danteworlds: Multimedia exhibit from the University of Texas at Austin of visual representations of Dante's worlds of hell, purgatory, and paradise.
Digital Dante: A multimedia academic journal featuring scholarship on Dante using both prose and visual components.
Discover Dante: Reading and teaching resource for students, instructors, and others focusing primarily on the Divine Comedy. From Leeds University.
Mapping Dante: Digital map of all locations described in the Divine Comedy. Link is to map itself, much of the explanatory site links are now broken. Based at the University of Pennsylvania Price Lab for Digital Humanities.
Princeton Dante Project: Early machine readable/web version of the Divine Comedy from Princeton University.
Societa dantesca italiana: Encyclopedic resource on Dante's life and works (link is English edition).
The World of Dante: Research and teaching resource including encoded text for analysis, translations, multimedia features for study of the Divine Comedy. From the University of Virginia Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities.