French & Italian Studies Newsletter - Spring 2019

Letter from the Chair

As we celebrate, at the 2019 FIS graduation, the achievements of 28 students who completed their BAs in French; 4 in Italian; 2 who completed an MA in French and a doctoral student who has just defended her dissertation, it’s a great time to reflect on an eventful and fulfilling year. In major faculty news, Maya Smith was promoted to tenured Associate Professor! Our ever lively cohort of 153 current majors and minors, along with our French and Italian alumni, continued to distinguish themselves, in their studies (Ashley Beeman received the highest award that the College of Arts and Sciences bestows on undergraduates!), in their professions, in their travels and in their engagement, through their passion for and expertise in French and Italian, with the world. I hope you’ll take the time to read about a few of these experiences in this and in future issues of the FIS newsletter. It is well worth it. A most hearty congratulations to all of our graduating students; and bonne continuation to students whom we look forward to seeing again next year and to alumni, whose stories we are always eager to hear about. Please stay in touch! Many thanks to colleagues and departmental staff for a terrific 2018-2019.

Have a great summer!

Geoffrey Turnovsky

Chair &  Associate Professor of French

French & Italian Studies would like to congratulate Ashley Beeman, a graduating senior and double major in French Studies and English Literature on being awarded the 2018-2019 Dean’s Medal from the Division of Humanities. The Dean’s Medal is awarded to the top graduating senior in each of the four divisions of the College of Arts & Sciences. Ashley, a native of Bremerton, Washington became interested in French as a child when her ballet instructor spoke in French. In junior high and… Read more
Assistant Professor of French Studies Maya Angela Smith recently published her first book, Senegal Abroad: Linguistic Borders, Racial Formations, and Diasporic Imaginaries. Through a critical examination of language and multilingual practices in qualitative, ethnographic data, this study shows how language is key in understanding the formation of national, transnational, postcolonial, racial, and migrant… Read more
UW Senior Giulia Szanyi is following her passion for French while at the same time getting experience in the business world with two of Washington’s most dynamic companies. Giulia, a  French and Communications: Journalism double major, grew up in Richland, WA and is graduating this June. This past winter, Giulia participated in the Amazon Mentors ProgramRead more
UW pre-med student explains why her academic major - Italian - will make her a better doctor. Read the story in the College of Arts & Sciences Perspectives Newsletter.   From an early age, UW junior Allison Dumitriu Carcoana knew she wanted to be a doctor. Her commitment to a medical career has only grown stronger since she arrived at the University. So of… Read more
Read about French Major Kenneth Barger (BA, French 2014) and his fascinating career as an interpreter and translator for the court system in the College of Arts & Sciences Perspectives Newsletter. Kenneth Barger has an impressive ability to curse in French and Spanish. He also effortlessly translates legal terms into those languages. Both skills are essential to his job.… Read more

Thank you for reading the French & Italian Studies Newsletter, check back in at the end of Autumn Quarter 2019 for our next newsletter!
