Dantzel Cenatiempo, one of our French doctoral candidates has been awarded the 2017-2018 Joff Hanauer for Excellence in Western Civilization Graduate Fellowship. Hanauer Fellows receive a $5000 stipend and will participate in a bi-monthly seminar led by Galya Diment, Joff Hanauer Distinguished Professor for Western Civilization. Dantzel's research is a focused case study of how Western social identity has been shaped by clothing practices and vice versa, investigating historical instances of women dressing across gender, race, and class boundaries. She asks how socially marginalized individuals in the West have relied on clothing and grooming practices to navigate identity boundaries across different time periods, especially within the large urban center of Paris. Dantzel's research concentrates on a series of four female cultural icons--George Sand, Sarah Bernhardt, Colette, and Josephine Baker--to open up larger questions of affect, embodiment, and the artificially dichotomous relationship between mind and body that has been established in much of Western culture. Dantzel is excited as the Hanauer Fellowship will provide a "workshopping experience with academic peers and mentors in which to develop this research" while she works on her dissertation. Congratulations Dantzel!