French Doctoral Candidate Hailey Burgess was recently awarded an Elizabeth Kerr Macfarlane Endowed Scholarship for the 2017-2018 academic year (Sept 27, 2017 – June 8, 2018). The $5,000 scholarship is designed to provide financial assistance to highly deserving students in the Humanities.
In addition Hailey was also recently accepted to the Human-Animal Studies Summer Institute Program. The new interdisciplinary program is sponsored the Animals & Society Institute and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The program is focused on graduate students and those in the first few years post-Ph.D., and will enable 20-25 participants to work on their dissertations or publications with experts in the field at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign within the Center for Advanced Study, for one intensive week. Hailey will work on her dissertation which focuses on 19th century French and Francophone-Postcolonial literatures, using the theoretical framework of Animal Studies. Congratulations on these acheivments!