Part-time Lecturer of French Contact Information PDL C-230 Office Hours Thursdays 2:00-3:00pm and by appointment on Zoom Courses Taught Spring 2025FRENCH 102 A: Elementary French FRENCH 103 D: Elementary French Winter 2025FRENCH 101 B: Elementary French FRENCH 102 D: Elementary French Autumn 2024FRENCH 101 C: Elementary French FRENCH 101 D: Elementary French Spring 2024FRENCH 101 A: Elementary French FRENCH 103 C: Elementary French Spring 2023FRENCH 102 C: Elementary French Winter 2023FRENCH 101 B: Elementary French Autumn 2022FRENCH 101 G: Elementary French FRENCH 203 A: Intermediate French Summer 2022FRENCH 101 A: Elementary French Spring 2022FRENCH 102 B: Elementary French FRENCH 103 C: Elementary French Winter 2022FRENCH 101 C: Elementary French FRENCH 203 A: Intermediate French