There are still a few open spaces for Italian Studies Rome: From Empire to Present Day - Language, Culture, and Society in Italy. This is a new program sponsored by the French and Italian Studies department designed for a full immersion within Italian language and culture. It will attract students interested in accelerating their Italian language skills and their general knowledge of Italian culture and society. It runs for the ten weeks of the Winter quarter 2019 at the UW Rome Center and students, if they wish, will be able to enroll in Italian 103 when they return to campus. Students will be involved in city's events, with excursions around Rome and to nearby historical sites, such as Ostia Antica. Students will also engage in two field trips to Assisi/Orvieto and to Padua.
This program investigates the connections between the Italian language and Italian national identity, from Dante to transformations in contemporary Italian society, using the privileged vantage point of the capital of Italy. The aim of the program is to inform and expose students to the social aspects of the evolution of Italian culture and society, by highlighting the dynamic relationship between language and identity, and presenting a detailed picture of cultural diversity in the Italophone world. This program is offered in Winter 2019 and the new application deadline is October 10th, 2018. No prerequisites required, apply now!