Italian Club Cooks Dinner for the Families at the Ronald McDonald House

Submitted by Michael Rich on

 On November 30th members of the Italian Club and French & Italian Studies adviser Sabrina Tatta cooked a healthy and delicious Italian meal for the families staying at the Ronald McDonald House. The Italian Club members who participated Allison Dumitriu Carcoana, Wataru Kikuchi, Mason Gionet, and Adita Vohra wrote a statement below about their experience and what volunteer work means to them.

"As a registered student organization, part of what the Italian Club focuses on is building teamwork, giving back to the community, and helping its members feel integrated in Seattle. Seattle Children's is a big part of Seattle's healthcare system, and a pediatric leader nationwide. Getting involved with the families that it benefits by spending the evening with them was a priceless experience, and it brought FIS students, staff, and faculty closer while allowing us to use the culinary aspect of the culture we love to spread some joy this holiday season.

Not only did the Ronald McDonald House families appreciate our effort in making them a healthy, comforting meal, but they interacted with us throughout the process and we got to meet some wonderful and strong members of our community and beyond as a result. In a complicated time, where culture, health, and wealth often divide us instead of fostering solidarity, it was especially meaningful to work on making this evening special. As a busy students of Italian, we feel so lucky to have spent some time away from our usual work-study routine, and share a meal in a warm and caring atmosphere. We can't wait to be back at Ronald McDonald house next quarter."
