Good Academic Standing
We understand "good standing" as the absence of "incompletes" on your record, normal progress toward your degree (including completion of at least 10 credits per quarter), and a minimum overall GPA of 3.6. A grade of less than 2.7 in any course will mean that that course will not be counted toward your degree; this may also have the consequence that less than ten credits per quarter will have been satisfactorily completed. If you are not currently in compliance with these guidelines, you must bring yourself into compliance by the end of the current academic year in order to be eligible for reappointment.
Satisfactory Teaching Record
Your teaching is assessed during the year on the basis of class visitations by the TA supervisor and of student evaluations submitted each quarter. More information is offered by the Center for Teaching and Learning on their page Information and resources: Just for TAs.
University Policy
Details of University policy regarding graduate student appointments are found in volume IV, part IV chapter 6 of the University Handbook.